Just like Venom crash landed on planet Earth with a little to survive on,
We Are Venom...
stealth launched on the Venom Blockchain with 1000 wVENOM as LP!
And we've had... 100% of the We Are Venom (WAVE) token contract ownership relinqushed!
We also intend to have... 100% WAVE LP be burnt and relinquished!
Only 7.2 billion WeAreVenom (WAVE) tokens will ever exist, which is Venom blockchain's total supply at the block of WeAreVenom's deployment.
We as symbiotes survive on the dedicated Venom community that planet Earth offers. All are our friends. Yet all are prey as our venomemes enjoy gobbling up other memes. If you find yourself in our jovial, free-spirited community but always hungry for memes, memes and even more memes! Then only venomemes will do. Venomemes pack a bite over traditional memes so only venomemes will quench that insatiable hunger.
Welcome, it's time for another meal! We are Venom!
Contract Deployment
Ownership Renouncement
LP Lock (80 YRS)
LP Vesting (80 YRS)
1000+ holders
Coingecko Listing
CoinMarketCap Listing
Meme Raids
Meme Competitions
Venomemes trending
Exchange Listing
Trading Competitions
10k+ holders
More Meme Raids
Introducing Staking (WAVE, NFTS)
More Exchange Listings
100k+ holders
1 Billion+ Marketcap
The Great #WeAreVENOM Confab (IRL)
>> More to come >>